Is My Child Eligible to Attend Pickerington Preschool?

  • Children playing at putting out a pretend fire

    Pickerington Preschool is a function of the Pickerington Schools' Special Education office. It is mandated by federal law that public schools provide special education services to those children who qualify and who live within a school district's boundaries. You must be a resident of the Pickerington Schools school district for your child to attend Pickerington Preschool. Once your child is accepted into the Pickerington Preschool program, you will need to complete enrollment into the Pickerington Schools district. 

  • Who Can Apply to Pickerington Preschool (soon to be named "Early Learning Center")? Children who have a recognized or suspected disability (special needs) and children who are developing typically for their age can apply to Pickerington Preschool. Typically-developing children are known as peer models. Peer models should have excellent communication and cooperative play skills, be outgoing, empathetic, and be leaders. Please complete the applicable checklist to apply to Pickerington Preschool.

      Does Your Child Possibly Have Special Needs?

      • All preschool students are located together at one location; the District's Early Learning Center, or ELC. The Early Learning Center is located at 13430 Yarmouth Drive in Pickerington. 

        Children who have a recognized or suspected disability (special needs) can apply to Pickerington Early Learning Center. Please complete the following checklist to apply to the ELC. 

        • Complete the 2025-2026 Preschool Application. This link will open in a new window.
        • Be sure to completely fill out the sections regarding problems with your child's development. 
        • Schedule a screening with preschool staff. Once your completed application is received, a preschool staff member will call you to schedule your child's screening. Screenings are held on Friday. Screenings include speech and language skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and cognitive skills.
        • Receive your screening results. For prospective special needs students, our school psychologist will call you with the screening results. 
        • If the school psychologist recommends further evaluation of your child's needs, you will need to complete enrollment into Pickerington Schools.
        • If an evaluation is recommended, parents will be asked to complete the two-step enrollment process through the Welcome Center. The two-step process involves both completing online forms and attending an appointment at the Welcome Center.
        • Complete followup appointments with the Pickerington Preschool psychologist.


      Is Your Child Typically-Developing?

      • All preschool students are located together at one location; the District's Early Learning Center, or ELC. The Early Learning Center is located at 13430 Yarmouth Drive in Pickerington. 

        Would You Like Your Child to Attend Preschool as a Peer Model?

        Children who are developing, typically of their age, can apply to Pickerington ELC. Typically-developing children are known as peer models. Peer models should have excellent communication and cooperative playing skills, be outgoing, empathetic, and be leaders. Please complete the applicable checklist to apply to Pickerington ELC.

        • Please note: Children must be at least 3 and potty trained to attend. Cost for peer models is $302.24/month. Parent transportation is required.
        • Complete the 2025-26 Preschool Application. This link will open in a new window.
        • Schedule a screening with preschool staff. Once your completed application is received, a preschool staff member will call you to schedule your child's screening. Screenings are held on Friday. Screenings include speech and language skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and cognitive skills.
        • Receive your screening results. For prospective peer models, a staff member will call you with the screening results. 
        • Complete the two-step enrollment process through the Welcome Center. The two-step process involves both completing online forms and attending an appointment at the Welcome Center. The Welcome Center will provide parents with the medical and emergency forms needed for preschool.
        • After enrollment is completed, a preschool staff member will call parents within three business days to let parents know who their child’s teacher will be and when their child’s first day of school will be.
        • Parents are welcome to visit the school prior to their child’s first day. If you would like to schedule a time to visit, please contact the preschool coordinator, Amy McNeal, at 614-834-2621.

        For questions, please contact Preschool Coordinator Amy McNeal at 614-834-2621.