Thank you for being a Parents on Positivity Patrol volunteer!
The Pickerington Schools Parents on Positivity Patrol (PoPP) was established in 2021 to bring PAWSITIVE energy into our junior high and high schools.
As a PoPP Volunteer volunteer, you will make a difference to the lives of our students, staff, and the larger community. We are pleased to have you as a valuable addition to Pickerington Schools!
This page is for you, PoPP Volunteer! Here you will be able to
Sign up for a volunteer shift at your school
Find school contact information
View the district calendar
Find resources to help you successfully interact with students and staff
PoPP School Points
PoPP Volunteer Guide
FERPA Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students." Please read and familiarize yourself with the information on the U.S. Department of Education's website. This link opens in a new window.
PoPP Volunteer Responsibilities
Build positive relationships with students and staff
Help redirect students acting against the student code of conduct, building policies, and procedures
Monitor building common areas, including restrooms, to ensure student compliance with student code of conduct
Check that students outside of their assigned area have a written hall pass
Abide by all Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) regulations, including, but not limited to, keeping communication with students and staff confidential except for disclosure to authorized individuals.
Refrain from posting to social media any information protected by FERPA, including but not limited to, information regarding events or situations occurring in the school or on the school grounds
Refrain from providing personal or identifying information regarding students, staff, or events to anyone inside or outside of the school district
School Safety Rules
Escort all building visitors to the office.
Visitors must sign in at the Welcome desk and receive a visitors badge.
If you have a keys or key cards, do not share or give that card to anyone else.
Exterior doors must be closed and locked at all times. Do not prop exterior doors open!
All exterior doors with the exception of the two main lobbies are alarmed throughout the school day.
Students may not leave the building without permission.
Students must be under the supervision of an adult while in the building.
Students must have a written pass to be in the hallways during class.
Study hall and lunch are considered classes. Students need to be in those locations on time and for the duration of the scheduled period.
Only one person may be in a bathroom stall at a time.
Students need to exit the building by 3:15 unless under the direct supervision of an adult.
Fire Alarms/Drills
When the fire alarm sounds, DO NOT evacuate immediately. An announcement will come on within 90 seconds to direct you to evacuate or to lockdown.
If you are in the vicinity of an alarm being pulled, please contact the office to notify them of what you saw.
Medical Emergencies
Get help.
Call out “help'' to alert others to come to your aid. Yell loudly. You need to be loud enough that other people can hear you.
If you hear someone yelling for help, you are required to attend to them.
When help arrives, tell the staff member/student to contact the office and to get the AED.
Tell the office if the injured/ill person is conscious or unconscious. If you know the person's name, tell the office staff what it is.
Tell the office staff where you are in the building.
Tell the office staff any other information you think is relevant such as, the person's appearance, demeanor, injury, etc.
If the injured/ill person is not breathing, begin hands only CPR. If you are certified in CPR then perform full CPR.
The office will announce the emergency with location on the walkie-talkie and do a building “all call” for a NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL LOCKDOWN.
Office staff will state the location of the emergency so all available personnel can report to the scene of the emergency.
Students will be kept in the classrooms until the lockdown is released.
When an administrator reports to the scene, the administrator releases any staff members or students who are not needed at the scene, and verifies that 911 has been called.
Assignments for a medical emergency:
The office staff-person receiving the report of the medical emergency will call 911 and tell the dispatcher if the victim is unresponsive (unconscious) and any other pertinent information.
Office staff will then do a building page by walkie-talkie and then over the PA, alerting other staff and students to the situation including where it is in the building.
“We have a non-emergency medical lockdown in the ______ hallway. Please remain in your area until we release the lockdown!"
Guidance staff/support staff will retrieve the AEDs and bring them to the scene of the emergency.
Health Clinic staff will bring the student’s emergency medical form to the site.
Health Clinic staff will bring medical and first aid supplies to the scene of the emergency.
Staff members or students will continue to do CPR – taking turns - until the AED arrives.
Once the AED arrives, follow the commands of the device until EMS arrives.
This procedure occurs anytime you come across a victim in distress.
Intruder Lockdown
A lockdown will be announced over the PA system with the level of the lockdown and instructions.
Staff will gather students who are not in a room and find the closest secure place to shelter in place.
The announcer will announce where the intruder is in the building, what he/she is wearing and in which direction he/she is going.
Teachers and students will lock the door and will barricade if the intruder is near their area.
If the intruder is not near the area, teachers will make a judgment call to evacuate the building and report to their reunification site. Ask your Point Person where this is!
Staff members should have a plan in mind of how they will react to a situation.